Fun Run this Friday!

What is a Fun Run?

Mitchell students will run, jog or walk to raise much needed funds for this years many field trips. Students will collect pledges based on laps completed and/or by set amounts. It will promote healthy habits, raise school spirit, and the kids will have fun exercising and listening to music while helping the school. Each student will participate for approximately 40 minutes including warm up, cool down and a snack on Friday, October 5th. If you'd like to help out please signup here

Class Run Times

9:30-10:10- Iwashyna, Hudson, Archer, Faison
10:10-10:50- Krigbaum, Thompson, Landin-Smith, DeLong
10:50-11:30- Padgen, Mann, Popkey
1:40-2:20- Rittenberry, Willson, Ambrosino, Kang
2:20-3:00- McCready, Neesam, Morse, McIsaac

Important Links

Credit Card Payment Option for Pledges

For a Fun Run pledge please include both the student and the teacher's name in the field indicated.

Click the DONATE button