PTO updates

Good morning Mustangs,

 Last night's Fall fest was a success.  Unfortunately we had to end the party early due to a fire alarm what a wat to throw a party.

Thank you to all of the volunteers who came and helped out and jumped in and help at last minute. You guys are awsome.

Just some updates for the month of November:
1st science olimpiad open house in the multipurpose room from 4-530. Please have your child's permission slip in by then. Parents interested in coaching please join us to inquire information. If you can't make it please feel free to email me.

Nov 8th: it's election day so that means no school.  We are having our first dine in to donate @ Marcos pizza fliers will be sent home this week.

Nov 11th: movie night finding dory will be playing.  This is another opportunity to volunteer.  A sign up sheet will be sent out this week.

Nov 15th: PTO meeting please come and join us.

Nov 21-22: Mitchell holiday shop. This is a great opportunity to allow kids to shop for parents and other family members. There will be many gifts for sell. Prices will range from $.25- $10.00.