PTO Board Nominations

The Mitchell Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Needs You! 

Have you ever wondered . . .
·         How the activities and programs at Mitchell come to be?
·         How you can help if you have a lot of time to give?
·         How you can help if you only have a little time to give?
·         How you can get your great idea implemented at Mitchell?
·         How you can have a voice in what goes on at Mitchell school?
·         How you can meet and connect with more Mitchell parents and families?
Well here is your answer to all of these questions –
Who are we and what do we do?  The Mitchell PTO is made up of parents/guardians of Mitchell students, as well as Mitchell administrators and staff.  We are a collaborative group working together to provide social opportunities, educational programs, fund raising, and other initiatives in support of the social and educational wellbeing of our kids.
How can you get involved?  There are MANY ways that you can get involved, whether you have a little time or a lot, from volunteering for an hour or two at Fall Fest, Book Fair or other activity, to taking on a leadership position on the Executive Board (i.e. President, Treasurer, etc.).  There are many opportunities to help throughout the school year and we encourage you to get involved even if you feel you only have a small amount of time to give.  Our goal is to have everyone do a little so that no one has to do a lot.
We are currently in the early planning stages for next year’s activities and we want to hear from you! First and foremost, we need to elect a new Executive Board for the 2016-17 school year.  All positions are currently open for nominations, including officer positions as well committee chairs and members at large (nomination form attached with descriptions of each position).  Each position can also be a shared position (i.e. Co-Treasurers, Co-Committee Chair, etc.) so if you and another fellow Mitchell parent are considering a Board position but aren’t sure if you want to do it alone, sign up together and it will be less work for both of you!   
All parents are welcome and the more participation we have, the better we will be at supporting a great social and educational environment at Mitchell for our kids. We also welcome all opinions and ideas.  The more input we have from many different voices, the more representative we will be of the entire Mitchell community.
Here is the first way that you can help: Do you know someone who would be a great voice for the Mitchell community?  Then nominate them for a PTO position! Remember that you can nominate yourself or someone else, and that all nominees will be contacted prior to the election in May to confirm whether or not they wish to accept the nomination.
Please return the attached nomination form to the school office by APRIL 8, 2016.