FUN RUN!!! - October 17th

Please join us for the 2nd Annual Mitchell Fun Run at Mitchell on Oct 17th!

The Fun Run is a great way to get active and raise much needed funds for Mitchell Field Trips. 

Our goal this year is $8000!  Information will be sent home in backpacks on Friday, Sept 19th.

Volunteers can sign up here!

What is a Fun Run?  Our students will run, jog or walk to raise much needed funds for the Mitchell PTO. They will collect pledges based on laps completed and/or by set dollar amounts.  Each student will participate for approximately 40 minutes including warm up, cool down and a snack.  This is A MAJOR fundraiser for the PTO.          Our goal is to raise at least $8,000 – roughly $30 per student.

How will this Fun Run help our children at Mitchell?  All funds raised by Mitchell PTO will be used throughout the year to support and enhance the educational experience for over 260 children.  Last year our PTO fundraising helped pay for all single-day field trips, school assemblies, our Think Stretch summer learning workbooks, 500 new books for our library, standardized homework folders., and more.  The Mitchell Fun Run will promote healthy habits, raise school spirit, and the kids will have fun exercising while helping the school.  Child Fun Run participants often turn into Fun Run adults, promoting lifelong wellness.