Mitchell School Song

Have you ever wondered what the words are to the Mitchell School Song?  We'll this one is for you...

I go to Mitchell School and there's no place better in the universe.

I go to Mitchell School, the coolest school on Earth!


We start at kindergarten.  Then, first, second, third, fourth, fifth.

We have math, science, and social studies, and don't forget the best, RECESS!


I go to Mitchell School and there's no place better in the universe.

I go to Mitchell School, the coolest school on Earth!


We also have our specials, music, gym, and art.

Don't forget computers, and the library for you and me!


I go to Mitchell School and there's no place better in the universe.

I go to Mitchell School, the coolest school on Earth!!!!

And if you'd like to hear it, click here!